Meet the committee! These guys do so much to help keep the club running, if you need to reach out to the committee, you can jump on Discord using @committee, send a message on the Facebook page or shoot us an email, committee at axesandales dot com
Viv Chandra
Yes, yes, this is my bio. You all know me (or should know me!), bow down, bow down and remember why your dice roll sixes …. because I tell them too!
I started Axes & Ales for convenience. That’s it, that’s the only reason. Somewhere close to my house that I could go to play games, or simply drink beer and talk about gaming with people.
I own Knights of Dice and I’m not really sure I’m a wargamer.
Tom Clare
Glyn Dalton
Vice President
Jason Berman
Rob Deakin
Daniel Nicholls
General Committee
Tyrone McElvenny
General Committee