Setting up for Club Night

The club is always setup the same way, this ensures that anyone can assist in the setup and pack up of the club, it also allows us to keep things organised and maximise the number of members and guests that can play each night … it also makes it easy for your to meet your gaming partner, “Meet you at Table 11”

The club is open and welcome to all, but we do ask … PLEASE HELP SETUP AND PACK UP EACH WEEK.

The club is setup according to the layout in the image below (it is NOT to scale) … to get to this stage we need to:

  1. Pack up all the chairs in the main space, they should be stacked together and put in the Powder Room.  Please keep the lockers clear and accessible
  2. Any tables currently in the main hall should be placed in the positions shown.  More folding tables are usually located next to the bar
  3. Table 1, 2 and 3 are setup using the clubs white folding tables, they are stored in the workshop along with the terrain and tables. This is important as the folding tables from the bowls club are too big, making this space ‘squishy’ if setup using their tables.
  4. Bring all terrain boxes out of the workshop and place them near the entrance to the kitchen, opposite the piano
  5. Bring a 6×4 board from the workshop for each table position
  6. Note – Table 4 and 5 are located in the kitchen and are setup on the two rolling tables. There are 4 ‘support’ boxes that need to go under the 6x4s to keep them stable.  Keep all other tables in the kitchen clear.